An extended auto warranty is a protection plan you can buy from an automaker or dealership to cover mechanical breakdowns. Third-party providers offer similar coverage in the form of vehicle service contracts. We use these terms interchangeably in this article for simplicity.
Affiliate Disclosure: Automoblog and its partners may earn a commission if you purchase coverage from the extended warranty providers outlined here. These commissions come to us at no additional cost to you. Our research team has carefully vetted dozens of extended warranty providers. See our Privacy Policy to learn more.
Roadside assistance is a coverage benefit provided by car insurance, car warranty, and roadside assistance companies that help you get back on the road in the event that your vehicle breaks down.
How Roadside Assistance Works
Typically, car insurance provides partner with local networks of businesses including mechanics, towing companies, and other roadside assistance professionals to provide services directly to the policy holder. When you call roadside assistance, the company gets in touch with the nearest and most appropriate roadside assistance. provider within their network to provide you service.
What Is Covered In Roadside Assistance
When your vehicle is broken down on the side of the road, your roadside assistance coverage provider connects you with someone to help you with things like filling your gasoline, minor repairs, towing etc. Below is a full list of services that are often provided in roadside assistance coverage:
Flat Tires: Professionals will help you replace your flat tire with a spare. In premium coverage plans, a professional may even bring a new tire to replace your flat.
Charging: One of the most common roadside assistance services, professionals will bring battery charging equipment to jump-start your vehicle in the event that your car won’t start.
Towing: A towing provider will take your car to the nearest mechanic or even your home or a preferred mechanic, so long as the location falls within the maximum distance specified in your policy. Often providers will tow you a farther distance than is specified in your plan, so long as you agree to pay fees for an overage. In premium warranty or insurance plans, the towing distance may be much longer than the range seen in basic coverage options.
Recovery: Vehicle recovery involves using a winch or other extrication method to move your vehicle when it is stuck to the point of not being able to drive. In the event that it takes a specialized service or more than once professional to recover your vehicle, you may need to pay extra.
A Ride: In many policies, roadside assistance professionals will give you a ride home from the nearest mechanic or your vehicle’s location. As is the case with towing, you may be charged if the provider has to take you farther than the distance specified in your plan.
Fuel: With fuel delivery service, roadside assistance provides will bring fuel to get your car running when you have run out of gas. Generally, you will be provided with enough fuel to get you to the nearest gas station, with gas being charged at the aggregated regional pump price.
Locksmith: While basic roadside assistance providers use tools like wedges or specialized tools designed to reach the internal lock, a lock smith may need to be called if the basic methods do not work.
Roadside Mechanic: In some premium policies, a roadside mechanic can come look at your vehicle and conduct minor repairs to get your car back on the road immediately. Whether or not you can use this service often depends on where you car is located and whether or not the roadside mechanic has to perform minor or major services.
Do You Need Roadside Assistance
One of the biggest benefits of roadside assistance is that it provides drivers with the peace of mind that they are covered if they breakdown on the side of the highway. It is much less scary when you have someone to call for help in the event of an emergency or breakdown.
With nearly a third of Americans experiencing car trouble and almost 70 million breakdowns per year, it is often worth it to consider roadside assistance coverage when choosing a policy.
Whether or not roadside assistance coverage is right for you often depends on how dependable your car is, whether or not you are on the road alot, and psychological factors such as how much you value the peace of mind of knowing you are covered and convenience.
7 Roadside Assistance Tips
With many options out there, including service from insurance providers, third party extended car warranty companies, specialized providers like AAA, credit card companies, and other organizations, it is important to look at comparison of costs, plan features, benefits, and exclusions so that you can find the most appropriate level of coverage based on how much you are willing to pay for the benefit. Below are some factors to take into account if you are considering purchasing roadside assistance coverage.
- The Make And Model Of Your Vehicle: Some vehicle makes and models are more reliable than others. If your car model is famous for spending alot of time at the shop, you may want to consider taking out a roadside assistance policy.
- How Old Your Vehicle Is: Older cars usually have more mechanical problems and need more maintenance than newer cars. IF you have a newer car, you may be able to skip on roadside assistance until your car reaches an age or mileage range that is more appropriate.
- How Much Time You Spend On The Road: Whether it’s due to working as a delivery driver or rideshare provider or frequent travels, spending more time on the road means there is a higher likelihood that you could end up stranded on the side of the road
- How Far You Commute: Similar to the issue above, if you frequently take have long commutes between home and work, it’s may be a good idea to have roadside assistance coverage.
- Peace Of Mind: For many, the having the peace of mind of knowing they are covered is worth adding roadside assistance to their plain.
- Costs: Since roadside assistance providers provide professionals within their network customers in bulk, they can negotiate for lower prices. This, in effect, means that lower prices are passed down to the consumer for the same services.
- Convenience: Roadside assistance coverage is far more convenient than arranging the particular service you need on your own and paying for it out of pocket. If convenience is important to you, you may want to consider taking out a roadside assistance policy.
Roadside Warranty Coverage
In addition to various insurance companies and other specialized providers, roadside assistance coverage is often provided in various extended warranty policies, which can be provided for by either the vehicle manufacturer or a third party warranty company. Below are some basics on car warranties:
Basic Warranty: The basic warranty for a car covers items subject to regular wear and tear. The basic warranty often provides the shortest amount of coverage in terms of miles and years.
Drivetrain Warranty: A drivetrain warranty covers most of the main parts that make a vehicle run, such as the engine, transmission, axles etc. Drivetrain warranties are more extensive than basic warranties.
Rust Warranty: Also known as an anti-perforation or corrosion warranty, protects you from rust and rust related car problems.
Extended Warranty: Extended warranties often provide extended service periods and expanded coverage compared to regular warranties. While most manufacturers offer a roadside service in their premium plans, roadside coverage is usually cheaper when purchased through third-party warranty providers.
Roadside Assistance Coverage
Getting a car warranty could be a good idea in the long-run as it can help the owner if their car breaks down on the road. The providing company can find you anywhere.
The United States makes sure that roadside assistance companies are private companies since purchasing an extended warranty may or may not be beneficial to the cause of maintaining roadside assistance help. How roadside assistance works is that you pay for service in the form of your monthly insurance payment, what follows is roadside assistance tips.
Cars the owner will keep for a longer time frame need more long-term benefit from the coverage of roadside assistance. Additionally, it is often wise for car owners to maintain an account for emergency funds since pricing for roadside assistance can be discussed with the provider who makes a specific choice.
If the car in question is reliable, roadside assistance plans vary in how long it will last the car’s usage. Car warranties may be seen as worth it in the long run but they are also quite expensive.
Extended Warranties
It takes thinking about it carefully to decide if the owner wants to buy a warranty or not. Warranties are about personal safety on the road, as purchasing a vehicle warranty can improve the maintenance of a vehicle, leading to more safety when driving the vehicle, as better maintained vehicles are less likely to breakdown.
The driver also has to think about how many miles they drive annually, depending on the amount of the average claim. Services such as battery replacement are covered in the initial cost of car insurance.
Those who drive without insurance do not do themselves a favor. It can cost them more in the long run. Driving with insurance spares the driver the headache. Roadside assistance is necessary to drive with to make sure car issues do not get worse.
Extended Warranty Criteria
Warranties for vehicles come in categories dependent on what type of vehicle the driver owns, with roadside assistance being necessary for the car owner to maintain either way. There are factors that come into this like the driver’s budget which determines how great your roadside assistance can get.
Compare Car Warranties will help the driver find the right warranty available. Drivers want warranties that cover the need for highway assistance to be maintained over all as a means of getting help on the road.
Sometimes it is best to buy a new car with no prior history of problems, this is worth it, also because a driver need roadside assistance, and this is how roadside assistance works.
Roadside Assistance And Warranty Coverage
Roadside assistance is something that cane help a vehicle owner a lot, depending on how much the warranty says can be applied. An extended warranty has to be bought with the intention to be used.
Warranties must also come with consumer protections in mind since they do not cover original factory parts the driver may or may not need. A warranty has a range of prices available from $1,000 to $3,000.
Deductibles are charged in more than one way, such as per repair or per warranty based service visit. New cars do not need an extended warranty right away. This is because the repair cost is covered when the car is bought.
Used Cars vs. New Cars, Pros And Cons
A new car is great because the warranty protects it while used “new” cars are not so great because their warranty is partly working. A brand new car is something that can help its owner a great deal.
But used cars are already featuring some problems and if the owner can repair it so much the better for them. It is something necessary to fix them even if you pay full price for a used car of the year it is being sold, even if years later the car counts as an old car, used cars have issues.
Roadside assistance comes with a warranty but later on it comes with insurance. Roadside assistance cannot expire. Extended warranties can save the owner money but roadside assistance does not necessarily force the owner to pay the entire bill out of pocket. It is why a warranty needs to be kept active by the motorist in general.
Pros of having a used car include the price, and the history of work on it that a mechanic would know about. Coverage periods can criss-cross with a manufacturer’s warranty, which means the extended warranty is not in effect until the manufacturer’s warranty expires. Cars need a warranty to maintain coverage, as necessary, like insurance can be.
Maintaining Roadside Assistance
Car service has to be maintained with a decent warranty to begin with since the driver may only be allowed to fix their car at specific facilities. Sometimes cars deprecate in value, so extended warranties can only pay for a portion of the cost to repair or replace parts that need replacing, sometimes some of which roadside assistance can repair.
AAA’s roadside assistance has an extra fee. The driver does pay a monthly insurance fee for everything in addition to the roadside assistance fee. It’s good to shop around for the right roadside assistance program, only because a driver must feel safe on the road at all times, and extended warranties help this feeling.
Our Methodology
Our expert review team takes satisfaction in providing accurate and unbiased information. We identified the following rating categories based on consumer survey data and conducted extensive research to formulate rankings of the best extended auto warranty providers.
- Industry Standing: Our team considers Better Business Bureau (BBB) ratings, availability, and years in business when giving this score.
- Coverage: Because each consumer has unique needs, it’s essential that a car warranty company offers an array of coverage options. We take into account the number of plans offered by each provider, term limits, exclusions, and additional benefits.
- Affordability: A variety of factors influence cost, so it can be difficult to compare quotes between providers. Our team performs ongoing secret shopper analyses for different vehicles, mileages, warranty plans, and locations to give this rating.
- Customer Service: Reputable extended car warranty companies operate with a certain degree of care for consumers. We take into account customer reviews, BBB complaints, and the responsiveness of the customer service team.
*Data accurate at time of publication.